Thursday, September 15, 2011
Higher Ground Review - 3 Stars
Vera Farmiga directs and stars in a compelling story of a young woman’s acceptance into a born again community and her long term struggles with her faith. The storytelling captured me from the opening scene, and moves through a turbulent childhood to first love, marriage, and the discovery of the importance of church in some lives. The community begins to limit the creative spirit of this character and to disappoint in small ways. “Higher Ground” treats the religious world with respect but also with clear vision. Vera Farmiga makes us care about the journey of this woman’s life. The story continues to surprise and leaves us to examine our own beliefs. Does it deliver what it promises? A well-told story based on truth. Is it entertaining? Always interesting. Is it worth the price of admission? One of this year’s must-sees, although note the “R” rating.