Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Hangover Part III - 2 Stars
The gang that turned the original “Hangover” into a comedy hit, try try again but frankly there’s not much new for them to do, so they go over a lot of familiar territory. Zack Galifianakis continues to screw up everything he touches. The story begins as Zach hauls a live giraffe down the freeway until the expected low bridge crossing intervenes. That incident causes the gang to stage an intervention. Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and company agree to drive Zach to a rehab center, except their friendship with mysterious gangster Mr. Chow played by Ken Jeong sets them on an adventure involving $42 Million dollars in gold and another gangster played by John Goodman. They end up back in Vegas where the original took place. “Hangover 3” has laughs but they feel like leftovers. Does it deliver what it promises? Raunchy drug-fueled comedy. Is it entertaining? Some laughs. Is it worth the price of admission? About half as good as the original.