Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Long Shot Review - 1 Star

I wanted to like "Long Shot," a political comedy in which average schlub Seth Rogen wins the heart of cool-as-a-cucumber Charlize Theron. But wait, there's more! Rogen's a crusading reporter at an alternative daily. Theron's a Condoleezza Rice-style Secretary of State. Seems she used to babysit for Rogen, who developed a lifelong crush on her. When she decides to run for President, her team insists she develop a sense of humor, so she hires Rogen to punch up her speeches. Thus, a love affair begins. I never bought it. Once things get going, the writers turn "Long Shot" into an update of "American Pie." I laughed at first, but not for long. Like a lot of political campaigns, "Long Shot" fails. "Long Shot," rated "R," 1 star. Does it deliver what it promises? Grade school comedy. Is it entertaining? Starts well, ends poorly. Is it worth the price of admission? Skip it.